
The Project

CombiDiag is a Marie-Curie Doctoral Network funded by the European Union. The mission of CombiDiag is to develop an AI-based diagnostic protocol for early-stage Alzheimer's disease using peripheral biomarkers. Ten young scientists from different countries have been recruited for CombiDiag to conduct joint research at locations in Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, Spain and the UK. They will develop an AI- and data-supported diagnostic protocol to identify early stages of Alzheimer's. The program will establish a comprehensive network and launch a study to collect multiple biomarkers, including body fluid markers from urine, blood, and saliva, and digital markers for language, motor function and sleep. The project involves collaboration between academic and non-academic institutions across the globe.


Nine academic and eight non-academic institutions in Europe, the USA, Canada and China are involved in the program. 


The project also aims to train a new generation of interdisciplinary experts.


The new generation of researchers will receive intensive training in this interdisciplinary field. 

News & Publications

All news, events and publications from CombiDiag are available here.

Funding: This project has received funding from the European Union's HORIZON - MSCA Doctoral Networks 2021 programme under grant agreement No 101071485.